Hempcrete is the future of building materials. In a few decades most will build with this material. Hempcrete is all natural and it’s quite strong. Hemp grows way faster than wood. It’s price will outcompete anything in the market. The only problem with is the fallowing. It’s to good. Resist time and it’s insulation properties are extraordinary. Thanks to the masses quite a few countries legalized this material. The only thing that the government watch for now is that : it should be industrial hemp. Every country acts differently and they are in a constant change.
Before designing a house check papercrete, hempcrete and strawbale permissions with your local authorities. Check it several times. Rules might change overnight in the good. Compared to strowbale it has lots of advantages. Check out the pinterest links to read about them in detail. It’s cheap to build with hempcrete. You don’t need special equipment or materials. Somehow reminds me of the rammed earth constructions. After compacting the material you can re-use the frame almost immediately. The house can breathe with this material. It has extraordinary insulation properties. It’s the king of ecofriendly materials. It better than papercrete.